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Executive Summary

As spring dawned in 2021, economic expansion and surges in demand for consumer products and services materialized across the nation. Unfortunately, the relative lack of active job seekers has left many businesses unable to take full advantage of the blooming, yet precarious economic terrain. Opportunities for previously furloughed job seekers abound, yet surprisingly, accelerated job availability is unmatched by labor force participation. This white paper investigates these unique market conditions and presents recommendations for how employers can shore up and retain the talent they need to fully benefit from the advancing post-recession economy.

Topics Covered

  • Use the bold feature here to emphasize content
  • 14 senior candidates hired out of 15 submissions
  • 90% placement success rate
  • 23 consultants converted to full-time employees
Download the Labor Market Analysis
White Paper Cover - The Labor Market Paradox of 2021

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