Case Study

Large Scale Claims Transformation Project

Results at a Glance

  • 1,187 applications
  • 6 assessment centres
  • 89 offers accepted
  • Less than 13% attrition
  • Project delivered in 12 weeks

Focus Areas

  • Claims Support
  • Claims Advisers
  • Case Management and Injury Management Specialists
  • Technical Specialists
  • Team Leaders

Business Challenge

At the end of 2018, the client had an immediate need for 80+ specialist claims candidates on 18-24 month fixed-term contracts, across two locations within New South Wales. Skills required included claim support, claim advisers, case management and injury management specialists, technical specialists and team leaders.

Having previously delivered 31 claims and underwriting candidates within short notice, Aston Carter’s proven capability and delivery, combined with our understanding of the client’s transformation journey, and the strategy and commitments proposed, made Aston Carter the preferred partner to deliver the required resources for the next phase of the journey.

Our Solution

Due to the urgency and volume of requirements, a dedicated Aston Carter team were assigned to the project. The team leveraged referrals from existing candidate relationships, used digital recruitment tools such as LinkedIn and created a dedicated microsite.

Candidates underwent an initial phone screen against pre-agreed questions that focused on their ability to provide high-quality customer services. Candidates who demonstrated strong engagement and overall professional demeanour were then invited to the next screening phase.

Aston Carter partnered with the client to design a tailored assessment centre that included a variety of group activities, competency-based role plays, and behavioural interviews. Delivered by Aston Carter, several client stakeholders also helped facilitate specific components such as the behavioural interviews.

Within seven days of being awarded the hiring project, Aston Carter ran the first two three-hour assessment centres with the initial 40 skilled candidates who were invited to attend. In total, six assessment centres were held within three weeks across two locations (Wollongong and Parramatta) and were attended by 148 candidates.


The first 10 offers were presented to candidates in week three of the project, with an additional 79 offers presented in the following weeks as each assessment centre concluded.

Prior to the candidate’s official start date, and as part of the onboarding process, Aston Carter invited all successful candidates, their managers and the client stakeholders to a welcome evening reception. This evening allowed Aston Carter to facilitate introductions between the candidates and managers in order to establish early team bonding. In conjunction with the welcome evening, Aston Carter representatives attended the onsite candidate onboarding days.
Working in partnership with the client, attrition for a newly built workforce has remained at less than 13 percent, and contractor satisfaction with the hiring process was high.